Grace in Motion: My Inspiring Dance Journey with Ms. Sumi

I first met Ms Sumi while opening the door for this lovely lady, with the most upright Stature & a smile that which would ‘light’ up a room & such a soft composure as she spoke to me saying ‘thank you’ & such expression of gratitude in those soft eyes that I immediately said … ‘Are you a Dancer?’ She then said ‘Yes!’ She complemented me to my surprise & said, as you were walking...

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This training has changed my life

It is not an exaggeration to say that this training has changed my life. The power of this work is about so much more than pain and posture. It is about finding an ease and pranic flow within our own body-minds that creates well-being and the capacity to do nearly...

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The back pain was gone in ONE session!

I have experienced Sumi's hands on healing over the last 10 years. I still remember the first session. I was having lots of back pain and had been praying and asking my guidance for someone who could do deep energetic work on my body. Someone I knew at the time...

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For anyone looking to feel and live better.

I have been working with Sumi on a weekly basis for about a year and my posture has improved and I’ve also learned how to sit and move my body in a way that does not cause by body to tense up and ache. The head work has greatly improved my wellbeing and my stress...

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Sumi is an Alexander Technique master

Sumi is an Alexander Technique master - she has wonderful healing hands, and an hour with her is like therapy for your mind, body and soul. If you get the chance to work with her, grab it with both hands and don't let go!

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Alexander Techniques changed my life!

I met Sumi Komo in about 1989 and have worked with her on and off since that time. For me, the Alexander Technique is a way of life. I had neck and headache issues that were debilitating and I thought I might not be able to continue with my career let alone enjoy a...

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It was beautiful!

It was beautiful! The lines the dancers struck were truly runic and created a visual shock wave imprinting the very core of my humanity. Thank you for your creativity. And Eric's music was transformative. I told him it was modern Debussy!

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